And I'm off!

Hello blogging world! Is this still a thing?! I really am doing this to put all my beekeeping knowledge in one place. We got hee-bee-gee-bees! No really, we got bees. 13 hives to be exact. We have had bees for a year now and I have been helping care for these socialist bugs for the past few months. I buy about 50 - 60 lbs of sugar a week. When it is hot like it has been (6 weeks of 100 degree weather), they get a gallon of sugar water once a week. Once I get my thoughts organized - and trust me, there are a lot of thoughts in there, I will get them. But for now, here is a my fun fact - you add a super when 7/10 frames are full. Stay tuned for more un-bee-lievable stuff!
